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When a user has the "Super accountants" role available, a "Settings" button appears next to "My account" in the upper right corner of the page:

Email.png When the above role needs to be applied, please contact

In the settings, following options are available:

1 Partner groups

Warning.png This option is only available for Connected users!

Available items in this setting:

  • Customers
  • Supplier

Partners are added via an import of an Excel file. This can be done by using following buttons:

  • PageXls.png "Export to Excel"
  • Upload.png "Import from Excel"

Info.png It is recommended to first export an Excel, add/edit the lines you want and then import the Excel file again.

Fields that are available:

  • INSTANCE: this is currently not in use.
  • COMPANY: the code of the company for which the partners are uploaded.
  • ACTIVE: should the partner be active or not?
  • CODE: the code of the partner.
  • NAME: the name of the partner.
  • VATDIM1: the code of an item from the "Purchase/Sales VATDIM1" lookuplist.
  • VATDIM2: the code of an item from the "Purchase/Sales VATDIM2" lookuplist.
  • VATDIM3: the code of an item from the "Purchase/Sales VATDIM3" lookuplist.
  • ADDRESS1: the first address line of the partner.
  • ADDRESS2: the second address line of the partner.
  • ADDRESS3: the third address line of the partner.
  • ZIP: the zip code of the city where the partner is located.
  • CITY: the city where the partner is located.
  • COUNTRY: the country where the partner is located.
  • VATID: the VAT ID of the partner.
  • SUPPLIEREMAIL or CUSTOMEREMAIL: the e-mail address of the partner.
  • PAYMENTTERM: the default payment term which should be used for this partner. Make sure you fill in the code of the item in the "Payment terms" lookuplist.
  • ACCOUNT: the default account which should be used for this partner. Make sure you fill in the code of the item in the "Accounts" lookuplist.
  • CURRENCY: the default currency which should be used for this partner. Make sure you fill in the code of the item in the "Currencies" lookuplist.
  • WEBSITE: the website of the partner.

Supplier specific fields:

  • BANKIBAN: the IBAN number for the supplier.
  • BANKBIC: the BIC code for the supplier.
  • CHAMBEROFCOMMERCE: the chamber of commerce number for the supplier.
  • DIM1: the code of an item from the "DIM1" lookuplist.

Info.png Make sure you have a company selected when you want to import/export partners, otherwise you will only be able to view all partners of all your companies.

Info.png When you export the list to Excel to be able to update a partner and you change the code of one of them, it will be added as a new partner. The code will not be updated!

Info.png When you want to remove a partner, update it to be inactive (set the "ACTIVE" field to "FALSE"). Removing a line won't remove the partner in the list!

2 Lookup lists

Warning.png This option is only available for Connected users!

Available items in this setting:

  • Accounts
  • Bank accounts
  • Cancel reasons
  • Countries
  • Currencies
  • DIM1
  • DIM2
  • DIM3
  • DIM4
  • DIM5
  • DIM6
  • DIM7
  • DIM8
  • DIM9
  • Invoice types
  • Payment status
  • Payment terms
  • Period
  • Post-control usergroup
  • Pre-control usergroup
  • Purchase journals
  • Purchase VATDIM1
  • Purchase VATDIM2
  • Purchase VATDIM3
  • Sales journals
  • Sales VATDIM1
  • Sales VATDIM2
  • Sales VATDIM3
  • Sync actions
  • VAT table incoming
  • VAT table outgoing

Lookuplist items are added via an import of an Excel file. This can be done by using following buttons:

  • PageXls.png "Export to Excel"
  • Upload.png "Import from Excel"

Info.png It is recommended to first export an Excel, add/edit the lines you want and then import the Excel file again.

Info.png Make sure you have a company selected when you want to import/export lookuplist items, otherwise you will only be able to view all lookuplist items of all your companies.

Info.png When you export the list to Excel to be able to update an item and you change the code of one of them, it will be added as a new item. The code will not be updated!

Info.png When you want to remove an item, update it to be inactive (set the "ACTIVE" field to "FALSE"). Removing a line won't remove the item in the list!

3 Workflow