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(Created page with "When a user has the ''"Super accountants"'' role available, a ''"Settings"'' button appears next to ''"My account"'' in the upper right corner of the page: <br/><div style="f...")
(Lookup lists)
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Available items in this setting:
Available items in this setting:
* Accounts
* '''Accounts''': the list of account numbers which will be used for your accounting.
* Bank accounts
* '''Bank accounts''': the bank accounts of your company. These can be used with our [[Payments_manual|payment module]].
* Cancel reasons
* '''Cancel reasons''': when a document is cancelled, a reason needs to be given. Those reasons are located here. '''This list cannot be edited'''.
* Countries
* '''Countries''': a list with all available countries.
* Currencies
* '''Currencies''': the list with the currencies used for your company.
* DIM1
* '''DIM1''': the first list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* DIM2
* '''DIM2''': the second list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* DIM3
* '''DIM3''': the third list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* DIM4
* '''DIM4''': the fourth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* DIM5
* '''DIM5''': the fifth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* DIM6
* '''DIM6''': the sixth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* DIM7
* '''DIM7''': the seventh list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* DIM8
* '''DIM8''': the eighth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* DIM9
* '''DIM9''': the ninth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
* Invoice types
* '''Invoice types''': the list with the available invoice types. '''This list cannot be edited'''.
* Payment status
* '''Payment status''': a list with the available payment statuses. These are used with our [[Payments_manual|payment module]]. '''This list cannot be edited'''.
* Payment terms
* '''Payment terms''': the list with the payment terms which can be used for your partners.
* Period
* '''Period''': the list of financial periods which are used for your accounting.
* Post-control usergroup
* '''Post-control usergroup''': a list with all the available user groups with users who will be handling documents in post-control. '''This list cannot be edited'''.
* Pre-control usergroup
* '''Pre-control usergroup''': a list with all the available user groups with users who will be handling documents in pre-control. '''This list cannot be edited'''.
* Purchase journals
* '''Purchase journals''': the journals which will be used for your incoming documents.
* Purchase VATDIM1
* '''Purchase VATDIM1''': the first list for purchase VAT dimensions.
* Purchase VATDIM2
* '''Purchase VATDIM2''': the second list for purchase VAT dimensions.
* Purchase VATDIM3
* '''Purchase VATDIM3''': the third list for purchase VAT dimensions.
* Sales journals
* '''Sales journals''': the journals which will be used for your outgoing documents.
* Sales VATDIM1
* '''Sales VATDIM1''': the first list for sales VAT dimensions.
* Sales VATDIM2
* '''Sales VATDIM2''': the second list for sales VAT dimensions.
* Sales VATDIM3
* '''Sales VATDIM3''': the third list for sales VAT dimensions.
* Sync actions
* '''VAT table incoming''': the table which is responsible for the VAT calculations for incoming documents.
* VAT table incoming
* '''VAT table outgoing''': the table which is responsible for the VAT calculations for outgoing documents.
* VAT table outgoing
<br/>{{warning|VAT table incoming/outgoing is a predefined list and should not be changed!}}<br/>
Lookuplist items are added via an import of an Excel file. This can be done by using following buttons:
Lookuplist items are added via an import of an Excel file. This can be done by using following buttons:
* [[image:pageXls.png|link=]] "Export to Excel"
* [[image:pageXls.png|link=]] "Export to Excel"
Line 94: Line 93:
<br/>{{info|It is recommended to first export an Excel, add/edit the lines you want and then import the Excel file again.}}<br/>
<br/>{{info|It is recommended to first export an Excel, add/edit the lines you want and then import the Excel file again.}}<br/>
{{info|Make sure you have a company selected when you want to import/export lookuplist items, otherwise you will only be able to view all lookuplist items of all your companies.}}<br/>
<br/>{{info|Make sure you have a company selected when you want to import/export lookuplist items, otherwise you will only be able to view all lookuplist items of all your companies.}}<br/>
{{info|When you export the list to Excel to be able to update an item and you change the code of one of them, it will be added as a new item. The code will not be updated!}}<br/>
{{info|When you export the list to Excel to be able to update an item and you change the code of one of them, it will be added as a new item. The code will not be updated!}}<br/>
{{info|When you want to remove an item, update it to be inactive (set the "ACTIVE" field to "FALSE"). Removing a line won't remove the item in the list!}}<br/>
{{info|When you want to remove an item, update it to be inactive (set the "ACTIVE" field to "FALSE"). Removing a line won't remove the item in the list!}}<br/>
===Fields for the lookuplists that can be edited===
* '''INSTANCE''': '''This is currently not in use'''.
* '''COMPANY''': the code of the company for which you want to upload the items.
* '''ACTIVE''': should the item be active or not?
* '''CODE''': the code of the item.
* '''NAME''': the name of the item.
* '''NAME_en''': the name of the item in English.
* '''NAME_nl''': the name of the item in Dutch.
* '''NAME_fr''': the name of the item in French.
Some lists also have some extra fields that are available for editing.
* '''NONDED''': the non deductable percentage.
* '''VATDIM1_IN''': the code of an item of the "Purchase VATDIM1" list.
* '''VATDIM2_IN''': the code of an item of the "Purchase VATDIM2" list.
* '''VATDIM3_IN''': the code of an item of the "Purcahse VATDIM3" list.
* '''DIM1''': the code of an item of the "DIM1" list.
* '''DIM2''': the code of an item of the "DIM2" list.
* '''DIM3''': the code of an item of the "DIM3" list.
* '''VATDIM1_OUT''': the code of an item of the "Sales VATDIM1" list.
* '''VATDIM2_OUT''': the code of an item of the "Sales VATDIM2" list.
* '''VATDIM3_OUT''': the code of an item of the "Sales VATDIM3" list.
====Bank accounts====
{{info|For bank accounts, the IBAN number is entered in the ''"CODE"'' field.}}<br/>
* '''BIC''': the BIC code for the bank account.
* '''BANKACCOUNTCOUNTRY''': the country code of the country of the bank account.
* '''BANKNAME''': the name of the bank of the bank account.
* '''DEFAULTBANKACCOUNT''': should the bank account be default or not?
* '''RATE''':  enter the rate value. This can be a number with up to 6 digits behind the comma.
* '''MULTIPLIER''': enter the multiplier value. This can only be a number with 2 digits behind the comma.
* '''DEFAULT''': should the currency be default or not?
====Payment terms====
* '''FREEMONTH''': should the invoice date be raised till the end of the month to calculate the payment term?
* '''DAYS''': the number of days that should be added to the invoice date after the free month has been processed.
* '''TILLEOM''': when set to ''"TRUE"'', the date will be raised till the end of the month after adding the number of days.
* '''DAYSAFTEREOM''': after applying the till end of month parameter, another extra number of days can be added.
* '''DEFAULT''': should the payment term be the default one?
* '''PAYDISCOUNT''': does the payment term include a discount?
* '''DAYSDISCOUNT''': the number of days within the invoice should be paid so the discount can be used.
* '''DISCPRCTG''': enter the percentage of the discount.
* '''CALCULATION''': when entered ''"NETT"'', the discount will be calculated based on the netto amount. When entered ''"GROSS"'', the discount will be calculated based on the total amount.
* '''STARTDATE''': the date on which the period is starting. Format: 20170623.
* '''ENDDATE''': the date on which the period is ending. Format: 20170623.
* '''DEFAULT''': should this be the default period?
====Purchase/Sales journals====
* '''DEFAULT''': should this be the default purchase/sales journal?

Revision as of 13:45, 23 June 2017

When a user has the "Super accountants" role available, a "Settings" button appears next to "My account" in the upper right corner of the page:

Email.png When the above role needs to be applied, please contact support@onea.be

In the settings, following options are available:

1 Partner groups

Warning.png This option is only available for Connected users!

Available items in this setting:

  • Customers
  • Supplier

Partners are added via an import of an Excel file. This can be done by using following buttons:

  • PageXls.png "Export to Excel"
  • Upload.png "Import from Excel"

Info.png It is recommended to first export an Excel, add/edit the lines you want and then import the Excel file again.

Fields that are available:

  • INSTANCE: this is currently not in use.
  • COMPANY: the code of the company for which the partners are uploaded.
  • ACTIVE: should the partner be active or not?
  • CODE: the code of the partner.
  • NAME: the name of the partner.
  • VATDIM1: the code of an item from the "Purchase/Sales VATDIM1" lookuplist.
  • VATDIM2: the code of an item from the "Purchase/Sales VATDIM2" lookuplist.
  • VATDIM3: the code of an item from the "Purchase/Sales VATDIM3" lookuplist.
  • ADDRESS1: the first address line of the partner.
  • ADDRESS2: the second address line of the partner.
  • ADDRESS3: the third address line of the partner.
  • ZIP: the zip code of the city where the partner is located.
  • CITY: the city where the partner is located.
  • COUNTRY: the country where the partner is located.
  • VATID: the VAT ID of the partner.
  • SUPPLIEREMAIL or CUSTOMEREMAIL: the e-mail address of the partner.
  • PAYMENTTERM: the default payment term which should be used for this partner. Make sure you fill in the code of the item in the "Payment terms" lookuplist.
  • ACCOUNT: the default account which should be used for this partner. Make sure you fill in the code of the item in the "Accounts" lookuplist.
  • CURRENCY: the default currency which should be used for this partner. Make sure you fill in the code of the item in the "Currencies" lookuplist.
  • WEBSITE: the website of the partner.

Supplier specific fields:

  • BANKIBAN: the IBAN number for the supplier.
  • BANKBIC: the BIC code for the supplier.
  • CHAMBEROFCOMMERCE: the chamber of commerce number for the supplier.
  • DIM1: the code of an item from the "DIM1" lookuplist.

Info.png Make sure you have a company selected when you want to import/export partners, otherwise you will only be able to view all partners of all your companies.

Info.png When you export the list to Excel to be able to update a partner and you change the code of one of them, it will be added as a new partner. The code will not be updated!

Info.png When you want to remove a partner, update it to be inactive (set the "ACTIVE" field to "FALSE"). Removing a line won't remove the partner in the list!

2 Lookup lists

Warning.png This option is only available for Connected users!

Available items in this setting:

  • Accounts: the list of account numbers which will be used for your accounting.
  • Bank accounts: the bank accounts of your company. These can be used with our payment module.
  • Cancel reasons: when a document is cancelled, a reason needs to be given. Those reasons are located here. This list cannot be edited.
  • Countries: a list with all available countries.
  • Currencies: the list with the currencies used for your company.
  • DIM1: the first list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • DIM2: the second list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • DIM3: the third list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • DIM4: the fourth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • DIM5: the fifth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • DIM6: the sixth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • DIM7: the seventh list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • DIM8: the eighth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • DIM9: the ninth list for dimensions (used for analytical accounting).
  • Invoice types: the list with the available invoice types. This list cannot be edited.
  • Payment status: a list with the available payment statuses. These are used with our payment module. This list cannot be edited.
  • Payment terms: the list with the payment terms which can be used for your partners.
  • Period: the list of financial periods which are used for your accounting.
  • Post-control usergroup: a list with all the available user groups with users who will be handling documents in post-control. This list cannot be edited.
  • Pre-control usergroup: a list with all the available user groups with users who will be handling documents in pre-control. This list cannot be edited.
  • Purchase journals: the journals which will be used for your incoming documents.
  • Purchase VATDIM1: the first list for purchase VAT dimensions.
  • Purchase VATDIM2: the second list for purchase VAT dimensions.
  • Purchase VATDIM3: the third list for purchase VAT dimensions.
  • Sales journals: the journals which will be used for your outgoing documents.
  • Sales VATDIM1: the first list for sales VAT dimensions.
  • Sales VATDIM2: the second list for sales VAT dimensions.
  • Sales VATDIM3: the third list for sales VAT dimensions.
  • VAT table incoming: the table which is responsible for the VAT calculations for incoming documents.
  • VAT table outgoing: the table which is responsible for the VAT calculations for outgoing documents.

Warning.png VAT table incoming/outgoing is a predefined list and should not be changed!

Lookuplist items are added via an import of an Excel file. This can be done by using following buttons:

  • PageXls.png "Export to Excel"
  • Upload.png "Import from Excel"

Info.png It is recommended to first export an Excel, add/edit the lines you want and then import the Excel file again.

Info.png Make sure you have a company selected when you want to import/export lookuplist items, otherwise you will only be able to view all lookuplist items of all your companies.

Info.png When you export the list to Excel to be able to update an item and you change the code of one of them, it will be added as a new item. The code will not be updated!

Info.png When you want to remove an item, update it to be inactive (set the "ACTIVE" field to "FALSE"). Removing a line won't remove the item in the list!

2.1 Fields for the lookuplists that can be edited

  • INSTANCE: This is currently not in use.
  • COMPANY: the code of the company for which you want to upload the items.
  • ACTIVE: should the item be active or not?
  • CODE: the code of the item.
  • NAME: the name of the item.
  • NAME_en: the name of the item in English.
  • NAME_nl: the name of the item in Dutch.
  • NAME_fr: the name of the item in French.

Some lists also have some extra fields that are available for editing.

2.1.1 Accounts

  • NONDED: the non deductable percentage.
  • VATDIM1_IN: the code of an item of the "Purchase VATDIM1" list.
  • VATDIM2_IN: the code of an item of the "Purchase VATDIM2" list.
  • VATDIM3_IN: the code of an item of the "Purcahse VATDIM3" list.
  • DIM1: the code of an item of the "DIM1" list.
  • DIM2: the code of an item of the "DIM2" list.
  • DIM3: the code of an item of the "DIM3" list.
  • VATDIM1_OUT: the code of an item of the "Sales VATDIM1" list.
  • VATDIM2_OUT: the code of an item of the "Sales VATDIM2" list.
  • VATDIM3_OUT: the code of an item of the "Sales VATDIM3" list.

2.1.2 Bank accounts

Info.png For bank accounts, the IBAN number is entered in the "CODE" field.

  • BIC: the BIC code for the bank account.
  • BANKACCOUNTCOUNTRY: the country code of the country of the bank account.
  • BANKNAME: the name of the bank of the bank account.
  • DEFAULTBANKACCOUNT: should the bank account be default or not?

2.1.3 Currencies

  • RATE: enter the rate value. This can be a number with up to 6 digits behind the comma.
  • MULTIPLIER: enter the multiplier value. This can only be a number with 2 digits behind the comma.
  • DEFAULT: should the currency be default or not?

2.1.4 Payment terms

  • FREEMONTH: should the invoice date be raised till the end of the month to calculate the payment term?
  • DAYS: the number of days that should be added to the invoice date after the free month has been processed.
  • TILLEOM: when set to "TRUE", the date will be raised till the end of the month after adding the number of days.
  • DAYSAFTEREOM: after applying the till end of month parameter, another extra number of days can be added.
  • DEFAULT: should the payment term be the default one?
  • PAYDISCOUNT: does the payment term include a discount?
  • DAYSDISCOUNT: the number of days within the invoice should be paid so the discount can be used.
  • DISCPRCTG: enter the percentage of the discount.
  • CALCULATION: when entered "NETT", the discount will be calculated based on the netto amount. When entered "GROSS", the discount will be calculated based on the total amount.

2.1.5 Period

  • STARTDATE: the date on which the period is starting. Format: 20170623.
  • ENDDATE: the date on which the period is ending. Format: 20170623.
  • DEFAULT: should this be the default period?

2.1.6 Purchase/Sales journals

  • DEFAULT: should this be the default purchase/sales journal?

3 Workflow