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1 FileUploadService

Used to prepare a file upload to 1Archive. It contains different methods which differ on the way of authentication:

  • prepareFileUpload: requires a 1Archive login and password to authenticate
    • userword: not a username, but a userword (this should be the 1Archive username)
    • password: the 1Archive password
    • contenttype: specify the content type of the file to upload
    • filesize: specify the size of the file to upload
  • prepareScanFileUpload: requires a batchid code. This method is used for webscanning upload
    • batchid: the id of a scanning batch
    • filename: specify the name of the file to upload
    • contenttype: specify the content type of the file to upload
    • filesize: specify the size of the file to upload

2 FileUpload

Used to upload files to 1Archive.

3 ScanProService

Used for uploading documents to 1Archive. For authentication, the 1Archive username and password are used.

  • checkConnection: can be used to check if username and password are correct (note that username and password will be sent as plain text)
    • username: the 1Archive username
    • password: the 1Archive password
  • getCompanies: returns a list of companies assigned to the given user
    • username: the 1Archive username
    • password: the 1Archive password
  • getDocumentTypes: returns a list of document types for the company with code companyCode (which can be obtained via the getCompanies call
    • username: the 1Archive username
    • password: the 1Archive password
    • companyCode: the code for the company to get the document types for
  • prepareFileUpload: this is a link to the prepareFileUpload call in the FileUploadService
  • uploadDocument: used to upload a document to 1Archive
    • username: the 1Archive username
    • password: the 1Archive password
    • document: ScanProDocument object
  • uploadDocumentAndAnnotate: used to upload a document to 1Archive and annotate it
    • username: the 1Archive username
    • password: the 1Archive password
    • document: ScanProDocument object

4 Webscanning

SOAP webservice for the webscanning application.

  • getBatchInfo
    • scanbatchUniqueID: the id of a scanning batch
  • checkUploadAllowed
    • scanbatchUniqueID: the id of a scanning batch
  • fileCheck
    • scanbatchUniqueID: the id of a scanning batch
    • tempUploadID: upload id, which can be obtained via the FileUploadService
  • uploadDocuments
    • scanbatchUniqueID: the id of a scanning batch
    • transferxml: document as ScanProModtransfer xml
  • createScanBatch
    • scanbatchType: method for standalone webscanning
  • validateScanBatchCode
    • scanbatchCode: method for standalone webscanning

5 CloudService

REST service for PrivateCloud utility.

  • action: possible values are:
    • RequestFileUpload
    • FileUpload
    • Alive
    • GetPublicKey
    • GetDBUpdateData

6 SyncService

SOAP service for importing and exporting with authentication based on a preshared key.

  • serverTime: used to obtain the time of the server, used in synchronization to check time difference
  • lastSyncTime: used to retrieve date and time of the last synchronization for a certain type and company
    • syncId: the unique synchronization id
    • companyCode: the code for the company
    • syncDirection: the direction for the synchronization. Possible values are:
      • UPLOAD
      • DOWNLOAD
    • syncType: the type of synchronization. Possible values are:
      • COMPANY
      • PARTNER
      • USER
      • DOCUMENT
  • importXml: used to import data to 1Archive
    • syncId: the unique synchronization id
    • data: a Base64 encoded ScanProModtransfer xml
  • exportXml: used to export data from 1Archive
    • syncId: the unique synchronization id
    • syncType: the type of synchronization. Possible values are:
      • COMPANY
      • PARTNER
      • USER
      • DOCUMENT
    • companyCode: the code for the company

7 ExportService

SOAP export service.

  • getDocument: used to get a document by id as a ScanProModtransfer xml
    • username: the 1Archive username
    • password: the 1Archive password
    • docId: the id of the document in 1Archive
  • getAttachment: used to get an attachment by id as a ScanProModtransfer xml
    • username: the 1Archive username
    • password: the 1Archive password
    • attachmentId: the id of the attachment of the document