Venice connector/Priority synchronization

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Warning.png This should only be done by authorized partners!

Both the SVC_CABINET and SVC_DOSSIER tables of the VENICE_MONITOR database have following columns available:

  • hasPriority
  • prioritySorting

Using these columns, you can influence the order of synchronization.

During the synchronization, each cabinet/dossier will be processed. One at a time.
First, the process will check if there are cabinets/dossiers available with a priority set. If this is the case, those will be synchronized first.

Info.png When there is more than 1 cabinet/dossier with a hasPriority set to 1, they will be processed based on the sorting order defined in the prioritySorting.

Note.png New cabinets/dossiers will automatically get a hasPriority of 1, this indicates that it will be the first in line to be synchronized.