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{{warning|This installation guide is for Windows installations only!}}
{{warning|This installation guide is for Windows installations only!}}<br/>
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=How to install=
=How to install=

Latest revision as of 11:14, 17 February 2022

Warning.png This installation guide is for Windows installations only!

1 Prerequisites

In order to be able to install the Synqup client, following is needed:

  • Sufficient user rights on Windows, so Synqup can write to the folder where files need to be delivered
  • Sufficient firewall access. Synqup is using following endpoints:

2 How to install

First off, you'll need to download the installation file. Which can be found here.

Once the file is downloaded, open your Downloads folder and double click the "Synqup-Setup" file. This will ask you if you want to allow this app to make changed on your device. Click "Yes" and wait until the installation wizard opens. From there on, follow these steps:

  1. If needed, select another installation folder than the default one
  2. Click "Next"
  3. If you want a desktop shortcut, check the box to create a desktop shortcut
  4. Click "Next"
  5. Click "Install"

The application will now install Synqup and its needed components on your computer. Wait until it's completed.

Once you get the "Completing the Synqup Setup Wizard" screen everything is installed.
Finally, click "Finish".

Synqup is now completely installed, but not configured yet. After a few seconds the application will provide you with a popup screen where you're able to configure the setup further. Follow these steps in order to completely configure Synqup:

  1. Select your country using the dropdown you see in the popup screen
  2. Click the "Next" button at the bottom
  3. Click the "Log in" button at the bottom
  4. A browser window will open, move the Synqup application a bit to another side of your screen so you're able to see the contents of the browser window
  5. In the browser window, login with your BilltoBox credentials

Warning.png If you accidentally closed the Synqup application during this whole process you have to start the Synqup authenticator application again (either via the desktop shortcut, or via the Windows icon at the bottom and search for "Start Synqup Authenticator") and start again from the first step. Otherwise logging in with BilltoBox via the browser window won't work!

The Synqup application is now successfully linked to your BilltoBox account. You can verify this by looking at the Synqup screen, which should now display your name. It's now safe to close the Synqup application window. Choose the "Close" button to do this.

3 Linking BilltoBox to Synqup

In order to make Synqup process your BilltoBox documents we still have to configure the companies you would like to have Synqup enabled for. Before, we already have linked Synqup to your BilltoBox account, but it still doesn't know which files it has to process. Follow these steps to set that up:

  1. Go to the BilltoBox application and login with your credentials
  2. Select the company for which you would like to setup Synqup
  3. On the left side, in the menu, click on "Apps"
  4. Below "Accounting app", click the "Activate" button
  5. A popup window "Accounting app" will open
  6. Turn on the switch for "Synqup"
  7. Scroll down and click "Next"
  8. If you don't book your own invoices, fill in in the VAT/TRN number for your accountant and grant him/her/them access
  9. If you book your own invoices, turn on the switch for "I am a self-booker", and choose your accounting package
  10. Fill in all the fields that appear when you select your accounting package
  11. Click "Next"
  12. Click "Finish" to finish the setup

4 Updates

Whenever there's a new version of Synqup available it will try to update all installed clients automatically. But sometimes this doesn't work because of settings on the computer where Synqup is installed. In that case there are 2 options: you can either manually update Synqup every time there's a new version, or you can adapt your computer settings so automatic updates are happening.

4.1 Manual updates

To manually update Synqup you have to install the latest version (which can always be found here).

4.2 Automatic updates

In order for the automatic update to work, Synqup needs sufficient rights. Please check these settings so Synqup is able to automatically update:

  1. The user which is used to run the Synqup service has to have writing rights on the Windows TEMP folder (which is usually located at "C:\WINDOWS\TEMP", unless set otherwise)
  2. The user which is used to run the Synqup service has to have writing rights on the Synqup folder (which is usually located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Synqup"
  3. The user which is used to run the Synqup service has to have the rights to extract ZIP files
  4. The firewall has to allow all files from following URL: https://s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/onea.downloads/synqup/production/*