Onea Transfer

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Revision as of 09:41, 7 April 2017 by Gianni.vanhoecke (talk | contribs) (split up e-Invoice to incoming/outgoing)

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1 Introduction

Sending thousands of invoices a day would have a negative impact on the stability of ScanPRO, and can be solved by a proxy. The goal of the proxy - Onea Transfer - is to take away the load on ScanPRO.


The ScanPRO Transfer API endpoint is Please note that only HTTPS is available.

2.1 Upload e-Invoice

PATH: /restv1/einvoice/{type}



DATA: apiKey, eInvoiceData, callbackURL

Where type is either incoming or outgoing.

Both apiKey and eInvoiceData are strings and mandatory fields, callbackURL is optional. The API key(s) will be provided by Onea and is strictly personal. The e-Invoice data field must be Base64 encoded.

When your request was successfully processed, the system will return a 200 OK status code with payload uuid. With this UUID you can later on fetch the document ID.

If you supply a callback URL, it will be notified of any change. That way you don't need to poll, but only fetch the status after you received such notification. Please note the callback URL will be appended with the UUID. If you supply the callback URL, then the following URL will be called for UUID 123:

2.1.1 Example

An example to upload an e-Invoice using cURL:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apiKey":"2B98577D-49DB-4E86-9DF9-F8F6726725AE","eInvoiceData":"aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1kUXc0dzlXZ1hjUQ==","callbackURL":""}'



2.2 Status

PATH: /restv1/einvoice/status/{uuid}



No API key is needed here; the authentication is implied by the UUID you got when you uploaded the e-Invoice. The UUID is a path parameter in your endpoint.

When your request was successfully processed, the system will return a 200 OK status code with payload status, id. The current status of the document is shown in the status field, and when DONE, the ID field will contain the ScanPRO document ID. All possible status codes are PENDING, DONE, FAILED.

2.2.1 Example

An example to fetch the e-Invoice status using cURL:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" ""

Returns when not yet processed:


Returns when processed:
