Welcome view

From 1Archive help
Revision as of 09:20, 9 June 2016 by Onea (talk | contribs)

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In the upper right corner of the welcome view you have different links to click on:

  • Help: opens the wiki.
  • Logout (username): allows the current user to log off.
  • My account: gives you access to the different user settings.
  • en | nl | fr: allows you to choose a specific language (English, Dutch or French).

On the left side of the screen, right below the logo, there is a menu with 3 different menu-items:

  • Document loader”: for launching the webscanning task or other import methods.
  • "Archive”: an overview of all the documents available in the archive, along with some tasks (on the left side).
  • "Reports": gives you the possibility to create a report of certain data in 1Archive.

The EIS and OIS environments have an extra menu item, which is located at the first position:

  • "Dashboard": gives you a statistical overview of the documents in 1Archive.

On the right side of the menu, you can see in which company you are working. Next to that, you see the Company.png "Company" icon. This button allows you to select a different company.

When selecting "Arhive" in the menu, a screen with everything that's related to your digital archive appears.
On the left side the following sub-menu appears:

Next to the sub-menu, you can see the list with all documents which are in your archive.

Info.png Each page contains maximum 20 documents.

Use following icons to move around:

  • BlockFirst.png "First page" go to the first page of the list.
  • BlockPrevious.png "Previous page" go to the previous page.
  • BlockLast.png "Last page" go to the last page of the list.
  • BlockNext.png "Next page" go to the next page.

BlockReload.png (Reload) is used for refreshing the screen.

On the right side, you can see a preview of the first image of the invoice using the Thumbnail.png "Toogle the document preview" button. Together with the document preview, the comments also appear.

Note.png In “All documents”, you can limit your view of the invoices into "Since last visit", "Last 3 months", "Last 6 months" or "All".