Performing support tasks

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1 Searching for invoices

All user profiles can retrieve invoices of the companies they have user rights for.
You can only search for invoices in the invoice list.

To search for invoices:

  • Select the appropriate company and document type: incoming or outgoing invoices.
  • Open the search filter by clicking FilterClose.png (Open filter), by clicking again on the same icon you will close the search filter.
  • Add a filter line:
    • Select the field you want to filter on, you can filter on:
      • Header fields, like supplier, invoice number…
      • Posting line fields, like account…
      • Technical fields, like status, scanning date…
    • From the drop-down list, select an operator. The available options are:
      • Include
      • Exclude
      • Empty, in case there is no value.
    • Type a value in the “From” “To” fields, if you want to select a range of values, if you want to select only one value, type only this value in the “From” field.
      Values can be selected by typing in the value, or by selecting them from the lookup list, or via the date picker.

Info.png if you want to search “from date” till today, you have to specify also the todays date: use “w” as shortcut for the today!

  • You can add more lines by pressing Add.png
  • You can delete filter lines by clicking Remove.png next to the line.
  • Press the “Apply filter” button to execute the filtering, or just by entering.
  • The filter icon will be colored red, in order to indicate that the invoice list contains a filtered list.
  • A new invoice list with the selected values will appear.
  • By pressing “Clear filter” you can clear your search criteria.

2 Using wildcards

In order to facilitate your search wildcards like “*” or “%” can be used:

  • *text, means: all values ending with “text”.
  • text*, means: all values beginning with “text”.
  • te*xt, means: all values beginning with “’te” and ending with “xt”.

Note.png If you type text, the search will be applied based on ‘text*’.

Note.png Search is not case sensitive.

3 Saving search criteria as favorite

Create a filter as described in Searching for invoices.
Give your search criteria a name and save your filter by clicking the “Save filter” button. Note when a favorite filter already exists with the same name, the filter will be overwritten without any notification.

4 Search invoices based on a favorite filter

  • Select the appropriate company and document type: incoming or outgoing invoices.
  • Search your favorite filter by clicking FilterLoad.png (Open favorite filter), by clicking on FilterOpen.png (Close filter) you will close the search filter.
  • Select your favorite filter by clicking on the filter name, press “Apply filter”. “Clear filter” in order to clear your search criteria.
  • Additional lines can be added, or lines can be deleted following the instructions under [ Searching for invoices].

5 Exporting invoices to pdf

You can export the invoice images to pdf from the invoice list view.
You can select the invoices by Searching for invoices, or by selecting invoices for PDF export by selecting the check boxes at the beginning of the invoice list.
You can also select all invoices by clicking the Unselected.png box next to the label bar.
Click on PagePdf.png (Export to pdf), to export the images (invoice plus attachments) to a PDF file. For each invoice a new bookmark, containing the ScanPRO ID is created.

Warning.png Only “exportable pdf attachments” will be included in the PDF.

Warning.png Up to a maximum of 100 documents can be exported per download.

6 Exporting invoice data to Excel

You can export the invoice header data to an Excel file from the invoice list view.
You can select the invoices by Searching for invoices, or by selecting the check boxes at the beginning of the invoice list.
You can also select all invoices by clicking the Unselected.png box next to the label bar.
Click on PageXls.png (Export to Excel), to export the header data to an Excel file.
You have an option to select the list data, or all data, by selecting “Export all fields”

  • List data: fields are included, which are visible in the list.
  • All data: all fields are included.

Warning.png Up to a maximum of 1000 invoices can be exported per download.

7 Exporting invoice data to zip

Similar to exporting invoices to pdf, you can export the invoice images to a Zip file from the invoice list view.
Folder structure is created based on ScanPro id.

Warning.png Up to a maximum of 100 documents can be exported per download.

8 Full text search