OCR service
1 Webservice
For each request to the webservice, user credentials should be passed. |
1.1 GetUserInfo
Fetches the user information, such as:
- Number of OCR actions per OCR type
- Number of available credits per OCR type
- Allowed OCR types
Parameters: None.
Returns: XML schema with the user information.
1.2 PostDocument
Post a new document to the OCR service, which should be sent to the OCR engine.
Parameters: Base64 encoded document or upload id.
Returns: XML schema with the unique key of the document in the OCR service.
1.3 GetDocumentStatus
Check the status of a certain document in the OCR service.
Parameters: Unique key of a document in the OCR service.
Returns: XML schema with the status of the document in the OCR service.
1.4 GetDocumentResult
Get the resulting data of the OCR process, based on the document id in the OCR service.
Parameters: Unique key of a document in the OCR service.
Returns: File with the OCR result (PDF with embedded data, XML, TXT, …).
<OCRRESULT xmlns:abbyy="http://www.abbyy.com/FineReader_xml/FineReader10-schema-v1.xml">
<TEXTS> <TEXT l="2140" t="15" r="2246" b="40">000529</TEXT> <TEXT l="273" t="294" r="635" b="337">ES FINANCE</TEXT> <TEXT l="273" t="349" r="723" b="377">BNP PARIBAS GROUP</TEXT> <TEXT l="1405" t="524" r="1805" b="541">1225/1307-1/1-8162660001 -1277-001458</TEXT> <TEXT l="1476" t="679" r="1664" b="710">ONEA NV</TEXT> <TEXT l="1476" t="725" r="2198" b="756">OTTERGEMSESTEENWEG-ZUID 731</TEXT> <TEXT l="1475" t="772" r="1695" b="804">9000 </TEXT> … <TEXT l="1407" t="2187" r="1559" b="2216">Papier van</TEXT> <TEXT l="1313" t="2220" r="1653" b="2243">verantwoorde herkomst</TEXT> <TEXT l="1343" t="2274" r="1624" b="2305">FSC® C011145</TEXT> </TEXTS> <BARCODES/>