Incoming mail document view
From 1Archive help
An Incoming mail document can be viewed by clicking the "View the document" button.
Just like for the Incoming invoices and Outgoing invoices, there are different tabs available:
On the left side of the screen:
"Header fields": displaying the header information.
"Technical fields": displaying the technical information.
"Delivery fields": displaying the delivery information. This is currently not in use.
"Comments": displaying the comments.
"Attachments": displaying the attachments.
"Related documents": displaying related documents.
"Images": view the different attachments of the document in the left window of the document view.
On the right side of the screen:
"Images": shows the scanned invoice image.
"Log": shows all log entries about what happened with the document.
"Delivery log": shows all log entries for the delivery of the invoice. This is currently not in use.
1 Header fields
- From: the mail address from which the mail was sent.
- To: the mail address to which the mail was sent.
- CC: the mail addresses to which the mail was sent as carbon copy.
- BCC: the mail addresses to which the mail was sent as blind carbon copy.
- Received date: the date on which the mail was received.
- Subject: the subject of the mail.
- Body: the body of the mail.
2 Technical fields
- Company: the company for which the mail is available.
- ID: the ID of the mail inside 1Archive.
- Status: the status during the processing of the mail. Possible values are:
- New
- Security removed
- Ready for OCR
- No OCR needed
- Error
- Finished
- Reception method: the method of how the document was received. This will always be Mail.
- Mail Type: indicates the type of the mail (Incoming invoice, Outgoing invoice, Incoming e-invoice, Outgoing e-invoice, ...)
- Scan batch: the name of the scanning batch
2.1 EIS specific fields
- Indexed: indicates if a full text search indexing has been performed on the document.