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<div style="font-size: 150%;">'''Location''': "Document loader"</div>
<div style="font-size: 150%;">'''Location''': "Document loader"</div><br/>
<youtube>mRFjl2d1pmY</youtube><br />
<youtube>mRFjl2d1pmY</youtube><br />
Invoice images can be captured via the web scanning module<br />
<br/>Invoice images can be captured via the webscanning module<br />
* Directly from the scanner
* Directly from the scanner
* Via PDF or TIFF file import
* Via PDF or TIFF file import
** TIFF is the preferred import format
** TIFF is the preferred import format
== Capturing paper invoices by web scanning ==
== Capturing paper invoices by web scanning ==

Revision as of 13:54, 9 June 2016

Location: "Document loader"

Invoice images can be captured via the webscanning module

  • Directly from the scanner
  • Via PDF or TIFF file import
    • TIFF is the preferred import format

1 Capturing paper invoices by web scanning

Invoice images are entered into the system upon arrival through paper web scanning or file import.
The process of web scanning contains following steps:

1.1 Batch preparation for paper invoices

Before scanning the invoices, the scan batches have to be prepared:

  • Remove all the staples of the invoices
  • No stamps or post-it on the invoices
  • Eliminate publicity

Invoices can be separated by putting a separator sheet between each invoice or by indicating the number of pages per stack of invoices.

Different stacks can be made, depending on the batch fields.

Note.png You have always to divide the invoices depending on the journal.

Best practice: Make following batches

  • Separate multiple pages and single pages.
    • Scan multiple page invoices with separator sheet.
    • Scan single page invoices using the “page indicator”.
  • Divide invoices depending on journal.
  • Stack invoices and credit notes apart (optional).
  • Stack invoices of same period together (optional).
  • Approximately 20-30 documents per batch.
1.1.1 Scan batch view

At the right top of the web scan menu, you’ll find the menu “Actions”. In this menu you can create a batch or print the separation sheet.

In the main screen you’ll find a list of all the batches for your user for the selected company that aren’t processed yet.
The list shows you following details of the batches:

  • Batch name: standard date and time
  • Company: company for which you are scanning
  • Batch type
    • Incoming invoices
    • Outgoing invoices
  • Status: These are the possible statuses your scan batch can have.
    • New: batch has just been created.
    • Scanning: scan application is running.
    • Received: server received the scan batch.
    • Ready for transformation: batch is ready to be processed by the OCR server.
    • Transformation: batch is being processed by the OCR server (recognition).
    • Import error: error while importing the batch in the OCR server.
    • Transformation error: something went wrong during the OCR server.
    • Finished: scan batch is not visible anymore, documents are ready to be validated in 1Archive

In case of import or transformation error, please contact our helpdesk.

Next to the “Actions” menu you can find information on how many scan batches (pages) are available in the list.

Use following icons to move around:

  • BlockFirst.png(First page) go to the first page of the list.
  • BlockPrevious.png(Previous page) go to the previous page.
  • BlockNext.png (Last page) go to the last page of the list.
  • BlockLast.png(Next page) go to the next page.
  • BlockReload.png (reload) is used for refreshing the screen.

Note.png You can’t continue a web scan batch on another PC. Images are local stored on the PC before sending the batch to the server. So you have to finish your batch on the same PC.

1.2 Batch creation

Make sure you are working in the correct company for which you are scanning the invoices.

To create a scan batch click in the right corner on “Actions” and thereafter on “Add scanning batch”.

Press the save button to create the scan batch and click on Scanner.png (scan), next to your scan batch, to open the scan application.
You can use Edit.png (edit scanning batch) to edit the batch fields or Remove.png (Remove scanning batch) to delete the scan batch.

1.3 Capturing the images by scanning (or file import)

There are two possibilities to import images in the scan application:

  • 1) Scanning :
    • Put your papers on the scanner and click on Scanner.png (Scan) to start the scanning.
    • Following screen will pop up.

Scanning popup.png

  • All installed scanners will be displayed in this popup screen.
  • If you have a VRS scanner, select always this type of scanner as it guarantees better scanning results.
  • Recto/verso: if you want to scan both sides of the document.
    Blank pages are deleted when scanning with VRS or if the scan setting “Blank page detection” is enabled.
  • Scanning with VRS: Separation is done without taking into account the blank pages. So if you have a batch of all single documents with a blank page on the rear side, you have to put the split number to one.
  • Scanning with the scan setting “Blank page detection" enabled: Blank pages are deleted during separation. So if you have a batch of all single documents with a blank page on the rear side, you have to put the split number to two.

Note.png Preferred to use the "blank page detection" in the webscanning.

  • Separation:
  • Default: Barcode recognition or separator sheet detection is still be done during process.
  • Split each … pages: select this tab if you want that the separation is done after the selected number of pages.
    When scanning one recto verso paper, you will have two documents if the split each page setting is set to one.
  • Ignore separation: If you don’t want to separate. This process will be faster because no barcode recognition or separator sheet detection is done.
  • When scanning with VRS, if all pages are scanned, you will receive a popup “Out of paper”.
    If you want to continue with scanning, put more papers on the scanner and the scanning will continue automatically. If you want to stop, click Cancel.
  • If scanning without VRS, repeat the scan steps if you want to scan more pages.
  • You can change the scan settings by clicking on Edit.png (Settings)
  • Proxy settings: has to be enabled when you are behind a proxy server. Contact your system administrator for the proxy server details.
  • Blank page detection: enable if you want to delete blank pages. You have the possibility to determine the intensity of the blank page detection.
  • Page settings:
  • Page size: A5, A4, A3
  • Page orientation: landscape or portrait
  • Logging: enable and define a path if you want to keep a log file of the scan application.

1.4 Print Separation sheet

Location: Webscanning

To print the separation sheet click on Actions and Separation sheet.
A pdf will appear with the separation sheet, now you can print this separation sheet or save it.

2 Capturing the images by file import

The scan application has also the possibility to import images by file import:

  • Open webscanning
  • Click on PageAdd.png (Add from file) to import pdf/tiff/jpeg files. A browser will appear to select the import files.
  • Select the files you want to import.
    • If you want to select multiple files, using the “Ctrl” button.
  • Blank pages are deleted if configured in the scan settings.
  • In file import, you can work also with separation sheets in order to do the separation.
  • If you want to automatically split the imported file in multiple documents, you can select Split on import and define the number of pages.
  • I you want to move the imported image to a Done folder, select Move to "done" folder when imported (a Done folder will be created in the import folder).

Split on import.png

Note.png When importing files, be aware of following file conditions:
  • Grayscale
  • No photo
  • 300dpi
  • No secured PDF

3 Separation validation

After scanning you will see in the left pane an overview of all the scanned documents with their different pages (thumbnails). In the right pane you will see the image of the selected page.
Following actions can be performed on the scanned pages:

  • Put pages into a new document by clicking DocumentAdd.png (Add a new document).
  • Split a document by Click Split.png (Split the selected document), a new document will be created from this page on.
  • Click Remove.png (Remove selection) to delete the selected document or page.
  • Click RotateAnticlockwise.png(Rotate selected images left) RotateClockwise.png (Rotate selected images right) to rotate the images.
  • Click Save.png (Save and close) to save the scan batch without sending to OCR.
  • Click Magnifier.png (Zoom factor) to scale the thumbnails.
  • You can drag and drop the selected pages in a document or to another document.

4 Release to recognition server

Click on Send.png (Save Send) to save the batch and send it to the OCR