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==Searching for invoices==
==Searching for invoices==
In the 1Archive system, any user is allowed to search for documents by using the filter above the archivelist.
<br/>{{note|It's only possible to search for documents when you are in the archive.}}<br/>
All user profiles can retrieve invoices of the companies they have user rights for.
Next to the selected document type, there are two icons available for searching documents:
* [[image:filterClose.png|link=]] '''"Open filter"''': opens the filter screen.
* [[image:filterLoad.png|link=]] '''"Open favorite filter"''': opens a screen with your favorite filters in it.
You can only search for invoices in the invoice list.
===Using the filter===
When opening the filter, following screen appears:<br/>
{{note|Depending upon your environment, the selected field could be different.}}<br/>
To search for invoices:
Following fields are available:
* '''Field''': choose the field on which you would like to filter the documents.
<br/>{{note|The available fields are all header-, technical- and posting line fields from your environment. See ''[[Validating_invoices|"Validating invoices"]]'' for all available fields.}}<br/>
* '''Operator''': choose the operator on which you would like to filter. Possible values are:
** ''Include'': the field includes the value(s) provided.
** ''Exclude'': the field excludes the value(s) provided.
** ''Empty'': choose this in case you want to check on an empty value.
* '''From''' and '''To''': the value of the field has to lie in between these two values.
<br/>{{note|Certain fields only have the possibility to enter a <u>'''From'''</u> value.}}<br/>
{{note|Based on the type of the selected field, it's possible to either type in text, select from a [[image:listPicker.png|link=]] "List" or select a [[image:date.png|link=]] "Date".}}<br/>
{{info|Tip: it is possible to search for multiple values inside one filter box by using a semicolon (;). But this only works for text fields, not for numeric, date and lookuplist fields!<br/>
'''Example''': enter 2017032101;2017032102 to search for invoices with invoice number 2017032101 and 2017032102.}}<br/>
{{info|If you would like to filter on one particular value, add this in the <u>'''From'''</u> field}}<br/>
* Select the appropriate company and document type: incoming or outgoing invoices.
Adding an extra line to filter on is done via the [[image:add.png|link=]] "Add" button in the left upper corner of the filter screen.<br/>
* Open the search filter by clicking [[image:filterClose.png]] (Open filter), by clicking again on the same icon you will close the search filter.
Removing a line is done via the [[image:remove.png|link=]] "Remove" button in front of each line.<br/>
* Add a filter line:
** Select the field you want to filter on, you can filter on:  
At the bottom of the filter screen, there are four different buttons available:
*** Header fields, like supplier, invoice number…
* [[image:filterClose.png|link=]] '''"Close filter"''': hides the filter screen.
*** Posting line fields, like account…
<br/>{{warning|Note that clicking [[image:filterClose.png|link=]] "Close filter" does not clear or apply the current filter.}}<br/>
*** Technical fields, like status, scanning date…
{{note|When a filter is closed, it can be reopened easily by clicking the [[image:filterClose.png|link=]] "Open filter" button next to the document type.}}<br/>
** From the drop-down list, select an operator. The available options are:
* [[image:filterRemove.png|link=]] '''"Clear filter"''': remove all applied filters.
*** Include
* [[image:filterApply.png|link=]] '''"Apply filter"''': applies the filter on the list of documents.
*** Exclude
<br/>{{note|Note that the filter icon next to the document type will color red [[image:filterActive.png|link=]] to indicate that a filter is applied.}}<br/>
*** Empty, in case there is no value.
* [[image:filterSave.png|link=]] '''"Save filter"''': save a filter in your favorite filters.
** Type a value in the “From” “To” fields, if you want to select a range of values, if you want to select only one value, type only this value in the “From” field. Values can be selected by typing in the value, or by selecting them from the lookup list, or via the date picker. Note if you want to search “from date” till today, you have to specify also the today date (Tip : use “w” as shortcut for the today).
<br/>{{info|Clicking this button results in the appearance of a pop-up screen where you have to name the filter.<br/>
** You can add more lines by pressing [[image:add.png]]
** You can delete filter lines by clicking [[image:remove.png]] next to the line.
* Press the “Apply filter” button to execute the filtering, or just by entering.
* The filter icon will be colored red, in order to indicate that the invoice list contains a filtered list.
* A new invoice list with the selected values will appear.  
* By pressing “Clear filter” you can clear your search criteria.
==Using wildcards==
In order to facilitate your search wildcards like “*” or “%” can be used:
===Using favorite filters===
When opening your favorite filters, following screen appears:<br/>
Selecting a filter to apply on the list of documents can be done by clicking the name of the filter.<br/>
Removing a filter from your favorites can be done by using the [[image:remove.png|link=]] "Remove" button.<br/>
You can search for a filter using the textbox on top of the screen. Type a value and click ''"Apply filter"'' to search. Removing your search can be done by clicking the ''"Clear"'' button.<br/>
:* <nowiki>*text, means: all values ending with “text”.</nowiki>
=== Filter on validation status ===
:* text*, means: all values beginning with “text”.
Something worth mentioning is the ability to filter on validation status.<br/>
:* te*xt, means: all values beginning with “’te” and ending with “xt”.
Values to filter on are:
* '''In progress''': the document still needs to be validated in the 1Archive system.
* '''Valid''': the document is completely valid and contains no red or yellow fields.
* '''Invalid''': the document is invalid and contains red or yellow fields.
<span style="color: red;">'''Note: '''</span>If you type text, the search will be applied based on  ‘text*’.
==Using wildcards==
In order to facilitate your search, you can make use of wildcards. There are two wildcards available:
<span style="color: red;">'''Note: '''</span> Search is not case sensitive.
* '''*'''
* '''%'''
==Saving search criteria as favorite==
Both wildcards work as follows:
Create a filter as described in Searching for invoices.
* '''*text''' or '''%text''': searches for all values ending with value "text".
* '''text*''' or '''text%''': searches for all values beginning with value "text".
Give your search criteria a name and save your filter by clicking the “Save filter” button. Note when a favorite filter already exists with the same name, the filter will be overwritten without any notification.
* '''te*xt''' or '''te%xt''': searches for all values beginning with "te" and ending with "xt".
==Search invoices based on a favorite filter==
* Select the appropriate company and document type: incoming or outgoing invoices.
* Search your favorite filter by clicking [[image:filterLoad.png]] (Open favorite filter), by clicking on [[image:filterOpen.png]] (Close filter) you will close the search filter.
* Select your favorite filter by clicking on the filter name, press “Apply filter”. “Clear filter” in order to clear your search criteria.
* Additional lines can be added, or lines can be deleted following the instructions under [ Searching for invoices].
==Exporting invoices to pdf==
You can export the invoice images to pdf from the invoice list view.
You can select the invoices by <u>''[[Performing_support_tasks#Searching_for_invoices|Searching for invoices]]''</u>, or by selecting invoices for PDF export by selecting the check boxes at the beginning of the invoice list.
You can also selecting all invoices by clicking the [[image:unselected.png]] box next to the label bar.
Click on [[image:PagePdf.png]] (Export to pdf), to export the images (invoice plus attachments) to a PDF file. For each invoice a new bookmark, containing the ScanPRO ID is created.
<span style="color: red;">'''Note: '''</span>Only “exportable pdf attachments” will be included in the PDF.
<span style="color: red;">'''Note: '''</span>Up to a maximum of 100 documents can be exported per download.
==Exporting invoice data to Excel==
You can export the invoice header data to an Excel file from the invoice list view.
You can select the invoices by <u>''[[Performing_support_tasks#Searching_for_invoices|Searching for invoices]]''</u>, or by selecting the check boxes at the beginning of the invoice list.
You can also select all invoices by clicking the [[image:unselected.png]] box next to the label bar.
Click on [[image:PageXls.png]] (Export to Excel), to export the header data to an Excel file.  
<br/>{{info|If you just type "text", the search will be based on "text*".}}<br/>
{{warning|Searching for values in 1Archive is not case sensitive.}}<br/>
{{warning|Using these wildcards is only possible in search dialogs. For example: the search dialog for suppliers in the document view.}}<br/>
You have an option to select the list data, or all data, by selecting “Export all fields”
==Exporting documents to Excel==
From the archive, it's possible to export the values of the document fields into Excel.<br/>
In the archivelist, select the documents you would like to export by checking the checkboxes [[image:unselected.png|link=]] in front of the documents. Documents are selected when the checkboxes looks like this: [[image:selected.png|link=]].<br/>
Click on the [[image:pageXls.png|link=]] "Export to Excel" button to export the values of the document fields.<br/>
When clicking this button, you see following screen above the archivelist:<br/>
This screen allows you to select the fields to be exported. Following selections are available:
* '''Export all header fields''':
** if you check the checkbox, then all available header fields will be exported
** if you don't check the checkbox, then only the fields which are available in the archivelist will be exported
* '''Include lines''': if you check this checkbox, you have the possibility to select the lines which you would like to have in the export. Possible values are:
** ''Posting line fields'': include all fields of the posting lines.
** ''Detail line fields'': include all fields of the detail lines.
<br/>{{warning|Detail line fields are only available in the VIS environment!}}<br/>
{{info|In the Excel export, the header data will be repeated in case multiple posting lines will be exported. For example: when having a document with 2 posting lines, the Excel file will contain a similar header data row for each specific posting line.}}<br/>
Click the '''"Export to Excel"''' button in order to create the Excel file. This will be downloaded to your file system.
<br/>{{info|The export to Excel functionality has a limited number of documents that can be exported:<br/>
* EIS: 1000 documents
* OIS: 1000 documents
* VIS: 1000 documents
* Connected: 5000 documents
* MIS: 1000 documents}}<br/>
* List data: fields are included, which are visible in the list.
==Exporting documents to PDF==
* All data: all fields are included.
From the archive, it's possible to export documents to PDF.<br/>
Select the documents you would like to export by using the checkboxes [[image:unselected.png|link=]] in front of them. Documents are selected when the checkboxes look like this: [[image:selected.png|link=]].<br/>
Click on the [[image:pagePdf.png|link=]] "Export to PDF" button to export the documents.
<br/>{{info|All images, including the attachments, will be exported.}}<br/>
{{warning|Only exportable attachments will be included!}}<br/>
{{info|For each document, a bookmark will be created in the PDF file. This bookmark is based on the ID the document has in 1Archive.}}<br/>
<br/>{{info|The export to PDF functionality has a limited number of documents that can be exported:<br/>
* EIS: 100 documents
* OIS: 100 documents
* VIS: 100 documents
* Connected: 100 documents
* MIS: 100 documents}}<br/>
<span style="color: red;">'''Note: '''</span>Up to a maximum of 1000 invoices can be exported per download.
==Exporting documents to XML==
From the archive, it's possible to export documents to an XML file.<br/>
Select the documents you would like to export using the checkboxes [[image:unselected.png|link=]] in front of them. Documents are selected when the checkboxes look like this: [[image:selected.png|link=]].<br/>
Click the [[image:PageXML.png|link=]] "Export to XML" button to export the documents.<br/>
==Exporting invoice data to zip==
<br/>{{info|The exported XML files will be in the 1Archive transfer format.}}<br/>
Similar to <u>''[[Performing_support_tasks#Exporting_invoices_to_pdf|exporting invoices to pdf]]''</u>, you can export the invoice images to a Zip file from the invoice list view.
==Exporting documents to Zip==
From the archive, it's possible to export documents to a Zip-file.<br/>
Select the documents you would like to export using the checkboxes [[image:unselected.png|link=]] in front of them. Documents are selected when the checkboxes look like this: [[image:selected.png|link=]].<br/>
Click the [[image:zip.png|link=]] "Export to Zip" button to export the documents.<br/>
<br/>{{info|The Zip-file contains a folder for each document you selected with all exportable images in it.}}<br/>
<br/>{{info|The export to Zip functionality has a limited number of documents that can be exported:<br/>
* EIS: 100 documents
* OIS: 100 documents
* VIS: 1000 documents
* Connected: 100 documents
* MIS: 100 documents}}<br/>
Folder structure is created based on ScanPro id.
==Exporting documents to UBL==
From the archive, it's possible to export documents to UBL.<br/>
Select the documents you would like to export using the checkboxes [[image:unselected.png|link=]] in front of them. Documents are selected when the checkboxes look like this: [[image:selected.png|link=]].<br/>
Click the [[image:PageXML.png|link=]] "Export to UBL" button to export the documents.<br/>
<br/>{{info|Clicking this button will result in a Zip-file being downloaded to your system. This Zip-file contains an UBL invoice per exported document.}}<br/>
<span style="color: red;">'''Note: '''</span>Up to a maximum of 100 documents can be exported per download.
==Mail as PDF==
When in the archive, the left sidebar shows a [[image:pagePdf.png|link=]] "Mail as PDF" button. Clicking this button results in following screen that appears:<br/>
Following fields are available:
* '''E-mail address''': provide the e-mail address you wish to send the documents to. Default value will be the e-mail address of the currently logged in user.
* '''From''' and '''To''': provide the dates between which the voucher dates of the documents you would like to send are.
Click "Ok" to submit the data and send a merged PDF-file with all documents with voucher dates between the "From" and "To" date.

Latest revision as of 11:53, 10 July 2018

1 Searching for invoices

In the 1Archive system, any user is allowed to search for documents by using the filter above the archivelist.

Note.png It's only possible to search for documents when you are in the archive.

Next to the selected document type, there are two icons available for searching documents:

  • FilterClose.png "Open filter": opens the filter screen.
  • FilterLoad.png "Open favorite filter": opens a screen with your favorite filters in it.

1.1 Using the filter

When opening the filter, following screen appears:

Filter screen.png

Note.png Depending upon your environment, the selected field could be different.

Following fields are available:

  • Field: choose the field on which you would like to filter the documents.

Note.png The available fields are all header-, technical- and posting line fields from your environment. See "Validating invoices" for all available fields.

  • Operator: choose the operator on which you would like to filter. Possible values are:
    • Include: the field includes the value(s) provided.
    • Exclude: the field excludes the value(s) provided.
    • Empty: choose this in case you want to check on an empty value.
  • From and To: the value of the field has to lie in between these two values.

Note.png Certain fields only have the possibility to enter a From value.

Note.png Based on the type of the selected field, it's possible to either type in text, select from a ListPicker.png "List" or select a Date.png "Date".

Info.png Tip: it is possible to search for multiple values inside one filter box by using a semicolon (;). But this only works for text fields, not for numeric, date and lookuplist fields!
Example: enter 2017032101;2017032102 to search for invoices with invoice number 2017032101 and 2017032102.

Info.png If you would like to filter on one particular value, add this in the From field

Adding an extra line to filter on is done via the Add.png "Add" button in the left upper corner of the filter screen.
Removing a line is done via the Remove.png "Remove" button in front of each line.

At the bottom of the filter screen, there are four different buttons available:

  • FilterClose.png "Close filter": hides the filter screen.

Warning.png Note that clicking FilterClose.png "Close filter" does not clear or apply the current filter.

Note.png When a filter is closed, it can be reopened easily by clicking the FilterClose.png "Open filter" button next to the document type.

  • FilterRemove.png "Clear filter": remove all applied filters.
  • FilterApply.png "Apply filter": applies the filter on the list of documents.

Note.png Note that the filter icon next to the document type will color red FilterActive.png to indicate that a filter is applied.

  • FilterSave.png "Save filter": save a filter in your favorite filters.

Info.png Clicking this button results in the appearance of a pop-up screen where you have to name the filter.
Save filter.png

1.2 Using favorite filters

When opening your favorite filters, following screen appears:

Favorite filter with values.png

Selecting a filter to apply on the list of documents can be done by clicking the name of the filter.
Removing a filter from your favorites can be done by using the Remove.png "Remove" button.

You can search for a filter using the textbox on top of the screen. Type a value and click "Apply filter" to search. Removing your search can be done by clicking the "Clear" button.

1.3 Filter on validation status

Something worth mentioning is the ability to filter on validation status.


Values to filter on are:

  • In progress: the document still needs to be validated in the 1Archive system.
  • Valid: the document is completely valid and contains no red or yellow fields.
  • Invalid: the document is invalid and contains red or yellow fields.

2 Using wildcards

In order to facilitate your search, you can make use of wildcards. There are two wildcards available:

  • *
  • %

Both wildcards work as follows:

  • *text or %text: searches for all values ending with value "text".
  • text* or text%: searches for all values beginning with value "text".
  • te*xt or te%xt: searches for all values beginning with "te" and ending with "xt".

Info.png If you just type "text", the search will be based on "text*".

Warning.png Searching for values in 1Archive is not case sensitive.

Warning.png Using these wildcards is only possible in search dialogs. For example: the search dialog for suppliers in the document view.

3 Exporting documents to Excel

From the archive, it's possible to export the values of the document fields into Excel.

In the archivelist, select the documents you would like to export by checking the checkboxes Unselected.png in front of the documents. Documents are selected when the checkboxes looks like this: Selected.png.
Click on the PageXls.png "Export to Excel" button to export the values of the document fields.
When clicking this button, you see following screen above the archivelist:

Export excel.png

This screen allows you to select the fields to be exported. Following selections are available:

  • Export all header fields:
    • if you check the checkbox, then all available header fields will be exported
    • if you don't check the checkbox, then only the fields which are available in the archivelist will be exported
  • Include lines: if you check this checkbox, you have the possibility to select the lines which you would like to have in the export. Possible values are:
    • Posting line fields: include all fields of the posting lines.
    • Detail line fields: include all fields of the detail lines.

Warning.png Detail line fields are only available in the VIS environment!

Info.png In the Excel export, the header data will be repeated in case multiple posting lines will be exported. For example: when having a document with 2 posting lines, the Excel file will contain a similar header data row for each specific posting line.

Click the "Export to Excel" button in order to create the Excel file. This will be downloaded to your file system.

Info.png The export to Excel functionality has a limited number of documents that can be exported:
  • EIS: 1000 documents
  • OIS: 1000 documents
  • VIS: 1000 documents
  • Connected: 5000 documents
  • MIS: 1000 documents

4 Exporting documents to PDF

From the archive, it's possible to export documents to PDF.
Select the documents you would like to export by using the checkboxes Unselected.png in front of them. Documents are selected when the checkboxes look like this: Selected.png.
Click on the PagePdf.png "Export to PDF" button to export the documents.

Info.png All images, including the attachments, will be exported.

Warning.png Only exportable attachments will be included!

Info.png For each document, a bookmark will be created in the PDF file. This bookmark is based on the ID the document has in 1Archive.

Info.png The export to PDF functionality has a limited number of documents that can be exported:
  • EIS: 100 documents
  • OIS: 100 documents
  • VIS: 100 documents
  • Connected: 100 documents
  • MIS: 100 documents

5 Exporting documents to XML

From the archive, it's possible to export documents to an XML file.
Select the documents you would like to export using the checkboxes Unselected.png in front of them. Documents are selected when the checkboxes look like this: Selected.png.
Click the PageXML.png "Export to XML" button to export the documents.

Info.png The exported XML files will be in the 1Archive transfer format.

6 Exporting documents to Zip

From the archive, it's possible to export documents to a Zip-file.
Select the documents you would like to export using the checkboxes Unselected.png in front of them. Documents are selected when the checkboxes look like this: Selected.png.
Click the Zip.png "Export to Zip" button to export the documents.

Info.png The Zip-file contains a folder for each document you selected with all exportable images in it.

Info.png The export to Zip functionality has a limited number of documents that can be exported:
  • EIS: 100 documents
  • OIS: 100 documents
  • VIS: 1000 documents
  • Connected: 100 documents
  • MIS: 100 documents

7 Exporting documents to UBL

From the archive, it's possible to export documents to UBL.
Select the documents you would like to export using the checkboxes Unselected.png in front of them. Documents are selected when the checkboxes look like this: Selected.png.
Click the PageXML.png "Export to UBL" button to export the documents.

Info.png Clicking this button will result in a Zip-file being downloaded to your system. This Zip-file contains an UBL invoice per exported document.

8 Mail as PDF

When in the archive, the left sidebar shows a PagePdf.png "Mail as PDF" button. Clicking this button results in following screen that appears:

Mail as pdf.png

Following fields are available:

  • E-mail address: provide the e-mail address you wish to send the documents to. Default value will be the e-mail address of the currently logged in user.
  • From and To: provide the dates between which the voucher dates of the documents you would like to send are.

Click "Ok" to submit the data and send a merged PDF-file with all documents with voucher dates between the "From" and "To" date.